RAP is a campus-wide program whose aim is to coordinate intramural research funding opportunities for the UCSF campus and its affiliates while allowing funding agencies to maintain full autonomy over their funding mechanisms and awardees. The program manages the dissemination, submission, review and award of various intramural funding opportunities.

RAP resides within the Research Development Office (RDO). The program is financially supported by the funding agencies, in proportion to the amount they award, and by the four Schools (Medicine, Pharmacy, Dentistry, and Nursing) in proportion to the amount awarded annually to faculty with each School.

The Mission of RAP is to make application for intramural research funding efficient and accessible for all faculty and non-faculty applicants, and to coordinate and minimize the redundancy of the application and review process among the funding agencies.

Funding as much good science as possible is our primary goal. Major programmatic goals are determined by the RAP Committee, which includes faculty representing the participating Funding Agencies.

Joining RAP
The Resource Allocation Program (RAP) looks forward to adding more funding agencies to the mix. All programs on campus are welcome to use RAP to coordinate their funding opportunities. They can either use the structure in place for the submission and review of proposals or use just the submission process and have proposals reviewed by committees independent of the RAP review process. Contact Emy Volpe if you would like to join RAP.

For questions or suggestions please contact Patty Hoppe at [email protected]. We are listening!