Philip Rosenthal, MD
We have three main areas of interest, all involving malaria, one of the most important infections of humans. First, we study the basic biology of malaria parasites, including the biochemical properties and biological roles of parasite proteases and mechanisms of action of novel antimalarial agents. Second, in collaboration with industry and academic groups, we are pursuing drug discovery, evaluating protease inhibitors, oxaboroles, and other compounds as potential antimalarial drugs. Third, we study malaria in Africa, with translational and laboratory studies at UCSF and in Uganda and Burkina Faso evaluating antimalarial drug efficacy and resistance, the molecular epidemiology of malaria, the roles of host and parasite genetic polymorphisms in treatment outcomes, antimalarial pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, and related areas. Finally, a new area of interest is using genetic tools to characterize causes of febrile illness in African children. In other activities, Dr. Rosenthal is Editor-in-Chief of the American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene; Chair, Scientific Advisory Committee, WorldWide Antimalarial Resistance Network; Member, Scientific Board, Infectious Diseases Data Observatory; and a member of the World Health Organization Technical Expert Group on Malaria Chemotherapy.