
Emma Bahroos

Program Manager
Precision Imaging of Cancer & Therapy

Molly Belinski, MPA

Program Manager

Rochelle Blanco

Acad Program Mgt Officer III

Laura Buback

Program Manager
Pandemic Prep & Response

Pilar Deer

IGHS Program Coordinator
Institute for Global Health Sciences

Meredith Donnelly

Research Grant Program Officer

Stuart Gansky, MS, DrPH

RAP, Vice-Chairman
School of Dentistry Research

I am Professor, Associate Dean for Research, and Lee Hysan Chair of Oral Epidemiology in the School of Dentistry and Director of the UCSF Center to Address Disparities in Children's Oral Health (CAN-DO), a Co-Director of the Research Coordinating Center to Reduce Disparities in Multiple Chronic Diseases, and a Co-Director of the Clinical and Translational Research Innovation in Dental Schools program.

Kurt Giles, PhD

Associate Director
UCSF Pancreas Center

Liz Greenwood

Policy Analyst

Roland Henry, PhD

RAP Representative Diversity

Patricia Hoppe

RAP Program Manager
Research Development Office

Mallory Johnson, PhD, MA, BA

Faculty Director, UCSF-Bay Area CFAR

Mallory Johnson is professor of medicine and nursing at UCSF and a licensed clinical health psychologist, whose research has focused on understanding, measuring, and improving the health of patients with chronic diseases such as HIV. His program of multidisciplinary collaborative research is focused on HIV prevention and improving HIV treatment outcomes through patient empowerment. His teaching mission is primarily achieved through my mentoring of early career investigators and through overseeing mentor development programs.
